However, in their most recent mid-term report, SEGA detailed their strategies for the next few years. They indicated that they hoped to complete this “super-game” by the fiscal year 2026. While we still don’t know what this project comprises, the report offers us a solid indication of what to expect and where the organization is going. The major goal of this game is to attract as many users as possible and to make it “the” best game the company has ever created. Furthermore, SEGA wants this game to appeal to streamers, which adds to the goal of drawing more people. It appears that the company wants consumers to interact with the game in every possible way they can. According to the report, they want users to have a say in the game’s development so that they feel more connected to it. Particularly, they want “a community that expands and further develops game content, adding value to a game that is unimagined by developers,”  From the outside, it appears that SEGA is building a sustainable system in which developers do not have to do all of the work and people can come up with ideas that, in turn, can keep the game going on for longer with content that consumers truly want to see. What Sega is doing is a bit risky. To begin with, a game like this needs an engaging concept to draw players in and inspire intense loyalty from them. Sega, to their credit, recognizes this, noting that “the starting point for building that kind of community is creating an interesting game“. This game, on the other hand, is scheduled to be released in 2026, which is a long time away. The good news for SEGA fans is that their next big game, Sonic Frontiers, will be released on November 8th. As soon as news regarding that game leaks, we will make sure you are the first to know.