The lawsuit covers every purchase and merger made by Microsoft from 2014 up through their 2020 acquisition of Bethesda-based Zenimax Media. It’s interesting to note that the lawsuit claims Rare was acquired in 2022, though this is likely a mistake because the transaction was closed in 2002. The players also highlighted decreased competition in the work sector as a result of employees having fewer employment options if the deal goes through. -Lawsuit  Similar issues were brought up by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in its lawsuit about two weeks ago. The US business watchdog identified Activision as one of a select group of leading video game studios that produced top-notch titles for various platforms. Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft, said the business had “complete confidence in our case” and welcomed that chance to argue it in court when the FTC launched its action.  Microsoft has previously said that they would grant 10-year exclusivity to titles like Call of Duty, going so far as to imply that the title will be released to the Nintendo Switch, all in an effort to convince their rivals. To reassure the authorities that the balance of the gaming industry is not tilted in their favour, Microsoft will need to take other steps.